Independent Grocers

ShopHero’s Mission….”To Make Next Generation eCommerce Affordable for Independents and Small to Mid-Sized Retailers”

ShopHero’s Mission….”To Make Next Generation eCommerce Affordable for Independents and Small to Mid-Sized Retailers”

The eCommerce tsunami has already begun to build. FMI and Nielsen project that more than $2Billion brick and mortar trips will be migrating to eCommerce over the next 3 years. The spigot is on and no one can stop the flow as this is a cultural phenomenon more than an industry phenomenon. Size wise, this means $50 Billion migrating from brick and mortar to eCommerce. That’s like the size of a retailer TWICE the size of HEB entering the marketplace to grab business away from existing retailers. A true tsunami, and the independent grocer faces an extremely volatile environment if they cannot defend against the onslaught, and do so in a profitable way…

3 Ways Independent Grocers Can Compete with the 'Big Guys'

3 Ways Independent Grocers Can Compete with the 'Big Guys'

The other day I overheard a phone call between one of our sales representatives and an Independent Grocer. It went something like this:

Sales Rep: Hi, this is Nikki from Mercato. We are the only e-commerce and delivery platform designed exclusively for independent grocers. I was hoping to talk with you about getting your store online and growing your business.

Grocer: Oh, I’m not even thinking about that right now. There is a store across the street and they aren’t online, so I’m not sure it is important for me. Plus, I’m really busy.

The sad truth is that we hear conversations like this all the time. It’s almost 2020, and here is a merchant who isn’t even thinking about getting online.