
Smart Speakers and commerce? It’s time to reframe the question (and to grasp the implications of 18% growth YoY).

Smart Speakers and commerce?   It’s time to reframe the question (and to grasp the implications of 18% growth YoY).

In early February eMarketer released a study on the state of conversational commerce through smart speakers.

Their headline: "Purchases via Smart Speakers Are Not Taking Off."


Those who delved into the details of the report found that purchase activity via smart speakers had actually grown by 18 percent year over year, to a user community of 21.6 million US consumers.

And, with this growth, smart speaker purchase activity should pass an important milestone in 2020: more than 10 percent of all digital buyers will make a purchase using a smart speaker.

Actually, that’s reasonably impressive. But the overall numbers did not meet eMarketer’s original forecast. And thus, the headline.

The tone of the headline led several days later to an interesting discussion among the industry experts of RetailWire….

Fifty-six and one-in-eight equals a huge shift for the grocery business.

Fifty-six and one-in-eight equals a huge shift for the grocery business.

As we gaze toward the future of the grocery business, two numbers might be worthy of study.

Both suggest significant changes in consumer behavior – and strategic investment.

The first is 56 percent.  That’s the number of US internet users in the past twelve months who purchased groceries online, according to research published recently by the CPG analytics firm TABS Analytics.    It compares to the 38 percent of the US internet population who purchased online a year ago, and equates to some 159 million persons.     

The second is one in eight.  That’s the rough number of worldwide Google searches that were conducted via a voice assistant interface last year.   That’s some 250 billion searches. 

The first – the shift to online grocery ordering – is apparent to most industry leaders. Though today online ordering accounts for only two percent of total US food and beverage sales (according to eMarketer’s March 2019 study), digital grocery revenues are expected to grow nearly 20 percent per year for at least the next five years.