
Retail Response to COVID-19: Rising to the Challenge

Retail Response to COVID-19: Rising to the Challenge

The supermarket industry is truly inspiring during the crisis caused by COVID-19. The workers across the supply chain - from those manufacturing needed products, to truckers and distributors, to the people stocking shelves and checking shoppers out - are on the frontlines of this battle. Everyone and every organization throughout the industry has stepped up to ensure that food and needed supplies continue to flow to shoppers in every community across the United States.

Speaking with retailers and others, many retailers are slowly recovering from the panic buying that has occurred in the first couple weeks of this crisis. Food and supplies are slowly being restocked, and retailers are wisely limiting purchase quantities to insure that the majority of shoppers are able to get needed products. 

The partnerships…

Retail Response to COVID19: Innovation in Realtime

Retail Response to COVID19: Innovation in Realtime

During my many years as a supermarket retailer I saw my share of panic buying related to natural disasters like blizzards and hurricanes. Like many, I lived through the 9/11 crisis and its impact. But I have never experienced anything like what we are currently going through.

I’ve talked with many people across the supply chain these past few days, from brand manufacturers to distributors to retailers. I have been in our local stores seeking supplies but also watching how retailers are responding to a never-before environment.

While healthcare workers are always thought of as the front lines in a pandemic like we are experiencing, it is just as true that the workers in supermarkets and drug stores are equally on the front lines. The commitment by people across the massive grocery industry to serve the people in their communities during this crisis is to be commended. They don’t have to be there - they can stay home like many others, taking care of their families, and self-quarantining. But these store workers are unselfishly putting themselves on the front line of the coronavirus battle, realizing that feeding and providing needed supplies for their communities is as important as the doctors and nurses caring for the ill.

When the current crisis abates - and it will - I believe the retail industry can step back to realize what it has accomplished….

Looking Ahead to The CART Event at NGAShow 2020

Looking Ahead to The CART Event at NGAShow 2020

The CART Event at the NGA Show coming up in February, 2020, is focused on helping Independent Retail understand What it takes to Thrive in The Age of ‘i’.

Changes in the retail industry are happening faster than ever before, transforming the retail store, and how retailers go to market and interact with their shoppers. Retailers can embrace this change, avail themselves of capabilities never before possible, or be disrupted into irrelevancy. And disruption is exactly what’s happening as the industry undergoes gut-wrenching change as decades of product-first practices give way to a true customer-first retail experience…

What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?

If your company provides solutions, particularly technology solutions, to the retail industry, selling is a mandatory activity and in many younger companies that duty often falls to the founder, CEO, or other key executive. The CART team has worked with hundreds of young tech companies and we’ve seen some things that work and we’ve seen many things that don’t work as well so thought we’d share some lessons with you. Many technology company people are incredibly smart when it comes to the tech, but unprepared when it comes to the selling of it.

Three Imperatives for Retail in the Next Three Years

Three Imperatives for Retail in the Next Three Years

Think about major developments in the grocery retail industry between 1940 and 2015, and by major I’m talking about advances that are truly transformational in nature. 

When I went through this exercise I came up with only three: The development of self-shopping, the development of UPC barcode scanning, and the development of capturing customer identified transaction data via loyalty programs.

3 Ways Independent Grocers Can Compete With the ‘Big Guys’

3 Ways Independent Grocers Can Compete With the ‘Big Guys’

Guest blog by Bobby Brannigan, Founder and CEO of Mercato

The other day I overheard a phone call between one of our sales representatives and an Independent Grocer. It went something like this:

Sales Rep: Hi, this is Nikki from Mercato. We are the only e-commerce and delivery platform designed exclusively for independent grocers. I was hoping to talk with you about getting your store online and growing your business.

Grocer: Oh, I’m not even thinking about that right now. There is a store across the street and they aren’t online, so I’m not sure it is important for me. Plus, I’m really busy.

The sad truth is that we hear conversations like this all the time.  It’s almost 2020, and here is a merchant who isn’t even thinking about getting online. That isn’t even the worst part! The worst part is how far this is from what the big chains are actually thinking and doing. To them, e-commerce is yesterday. They are already there. They have already moved on to the next big things.

How is the independent grocer supposed to compete in a world where the resource gap between the “haves” (Kroger, Amazon, Albertsons, etc.) and the “have-nots” is this large?

The CART Retail Tomorrow Innovation Program™ is Unlike Anything you've Seen in this Industry

The CART Retail Tomorrow Innovation Program™ is Unlike Anything you've Seen in this Industry


The CART Innovation Program™ is a powerful way for solution providers with transformative, disruptive new capabilities to gain an audience with the senior executive team of large regional and national retailers. Without a program like this, gaining such an audience - especially for young companies - is nearly impossible.

The Promise and Peril of Data for Retailers and Solution Providers

The Promise and Peril of Data for Retailers and Solution Providers

Data powers the retail industry, especially in today’s digital age. From in-store analytics to optimized-everything, and from marketing personalization to product customization, big data is the fuel in an age of tech-enabled innovation. Rarely do we see a few weeks go by that some new solution enters the industry that either creates a new data stream or feeds off existing data.